Services - the normal pattern
We have one service in each church on a Sunday, both at 10 am, and Evensong at 6 pm - alternating between the churches (see the Diary page) We also have a Wednesday morning communion at St Edmund's at 10 am.
- You will receive a welcome in either church and at any service.
​The Diary and weekly Noticesheets give you the correct information for what is happening on a particular Sunday​
The main service is at 10 am in both churches every Sunday (except on a fifth Sunday of the month when we have one 10 am service and come together). These services are the best introduction to our churches, and are usually followed by coffee and a chance to meet people.
The Evening Service at 6 pm alternates between the two churches, and always follows the Book of Common Prayer. There is usually a choir at the St Edmund's service, and for one of the two St Matthew's services. Sometimes it seems as if they are doing most of the work - the rest of us simply enjoy the peace and time for prayer.
There is a service every Wednesday morning at 10 am at St Edmund's - soon it will be followed by coffee and a chat.​
If you have children - we used to do All Age Worship is at St Edmund's on the first Sunday and Family Service at St Matthew's on the second Sunday. We haven't yet got back into that pattern, nor have we re-started separare children's work. At every Sunday morning you will be welcome, and toys/colouring sheets and a place to escape to are always available!
If you want Communion - there is always a 10 am Communion at one church or the other. Wednesday morning at St Edmund's is always a Eucharist.
Here is a full church for the United Service on Sunday 29 May 2022.