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Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee in the churches

jubilee logo.jpg

On Tuesday 8 March a year group from St Matthew's came to plant a tree for Her Majesty The Queen's Platinum Jubilee. They knew that Her Majesty, being very old and very wise, cares a lot for the environment, and they knew all about the importance of trees and the benefits they bring. The tree planted is a Rowan or Mountain Ash, and head teacher David Brown did the honours, assisted by two of the pupils (photo posted with permission of the school and the parents). The children had learned the National Anthem, so led everyone in a spirited rendition of it.

2. Ready to go.jpg
3. Introduction.jpg

On 23 April we had a  St George’s Day Concert in the Church Hall. David played the Compton Miniatura organ, Julie and Peter read Shakespeare, A.E. Housman and Rupert Brooke, and we had a couple of railway films, including a view of the Cotswolds and Shakespeare's country in 1954. Sadly only 19 people turned up (and seven of those were involved in the organisation of the evening). However we had a good time, and raised £100 which will be split between St Edmund's church and the DEC Appeal for Ukraine. This St George is from a window in St Peter's church Cockfield in Suffolk - where Peter was Vicar from 1997 to 2001.

st george cropped cockfield.png

On Sunday 22 May our families came together for an activity afternoon at St Matthew's. We made bunting (Sophie is carefully colouring), a cardboard celebration cake (Alarna is getting covered in glue), and a timeline for the noticeboard (Marie is cutting). A good time was had by all. All photos published with permission.

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St Edmund's Luncheon Club had their 31st Birthday Lunch on Tuesday 24 May (we were not able to celebrate last year) and had a Jubilee Celebration. Excellent salmon, and we raised a glass to the health of Her Majesty. 

jubilee logo.jpg

In St Matthew's we have Jubilee Birds, made in conjuction with Walter Evans School and Old Vicarage School. 


1 Jabiru, 2 Jandaya Parakeet, 3 Jambu Fruit Dove - all above


4 Jackson's Hornbill, 5 Blue Jay, 6 Jackdaw - all above

7 Jaegar Bird - below left

16. Birds 2, 3 & 6 in preparation.jpg
18. Bird 5 detail - 2.jpg
26 jubilee crowns toddlers.jpg

Baby and Toddler Group on Thursday 26 May made Jubilee crowns. 


Pupils from Walter Evans came to see the Jubilee Birds on Friday 27 May - the school produced this video.

In St Edmund's we have Jubilee flowers and memories. Here is a selection, and all of them no doubt have stories attached.


At St Matthew's the birds have been joined by Jubilee flowers representing England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and a couple of displays from across the Commonwealth.

26. England windowsill.jpeg
32. Wales windowsill.jpeg
25. Northern Ireland windowsill.jpeg
33. Scotland windowsill.jpeg
30. Union flag windowsill - 1.jpeg

Her Majesty started by helping to advertse the Food Bank collection this weekend, then went outside with the corgis.

49. Tableau - complete.jpeg
48. Tableau - installation.jpg
50. Bunting - Pat & John.jpg

There was plenty to read in the Fellowship Room and on noticeboards elsewhere. 

37. Baptistry noticeboard.jpeg
39. FR main noticeboard - 1.jpeg
40. FR main noticeboard - 2.jpeg
41. FR main noticeboard - 3.jpeg
Jubilee Birds portrait poster JPEG.jpg

Both churches were open from 10 am to 4 pm Thursday, Friday and Saturday, then from the end of morning services through until 4 pm on Sunday. The weather was not brilliant, and Sunday was very wet. In total St Matthew's had 197 visitors (89 of whom were children - mainly school pupils who brought their parents to see their bird). St Edmund's had 80 visitors (including 9 children). Here are some of our visitors (and the Vicar and his wife working hard).

AL jubilee poster.jpg
ella stanley zoe.JPG
45. In church - Muriel Davis (with Simon & Sue).jpeg
46. In church (Ruth Williams, Gill Williams) - 1.jpeg
44. Peter & Julie on terrace.jpg
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On Sunday 5 June we combined Pentecost with the Jubilee. At St Matthew's Peter led the morning Communion Service (with a congregation of 47). His sermon is here.





Julie led the service at St Edmund's (with a congregation of 45). The Order of Service is on the left and her talk is on the right. The service included these three short vidoes - two on youtube, and one at

Our Zoom service is here:

At 4 pm we had a United Choral Evensong at St Matthew's - both choirs, Pat Taylor (one of Her Majesty's Deputy Lieutenants), Cllr Alison Martin, and a total number of 64. The Order of Service is here (left) and Peter's sermon is here (right). The choir sang an anthem especially written by Jacqueline Burley (words by David Mowbray) - the video of this is above right. We also welcome Kionie as Head Chorister of St Matthew's choir. After the service nearly everyone stayed on for refreshments.

52. Jubilee Evensong - procession.jpg
53. Jubilee Evensong - Kione Head Chorister.jpg
54. Jubilee Evensong - FR full of people.jpeg
58. Jubilee Evensong - Thea, Alex, Phil and others.jpeg
55. Jubilee Evensong - Jacqueline Burley.jpeg
56. Jubilee Evensong - Alison Martin & Deputy Lieutenant.jpeg
59. Jubilee Evensong - kitchen staff.jpeg

On Monday all the children from Old Vicarage School came in to St Matthew's to see their Birds (photos posted with permission of the school). Then we all had a rest!

20. OVS visit - 1.jpg
22. OVS visit - 3.jpg
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